Inverse transform sampling

Goes through how to generate random numbers from an arbitrary distribution.

Shiny Stage 4 - Dynamic Dashboards

Shiny - UI customisation

Shiny 101


Shiny Stage 2 - Reactivity


Shiny Stage 3 - UI customisation

Shiny - UI customisation

Bayesian Zombies 101

Introductory Bayesian Analysis Concepts and Intuition

Logistic Regression - Power Analysis

Logistic Regression - Power Analysis.

Interpreting Interaction Terms in a GLM (Binomial family, logit link) - Logistic Regression

Interpreting Logistic Regression Parameter Estimates.

Interpreting Interaction Terms in a GLM (Poisson family, log link)

Interpreting Poisson Regression Parameter Estimates.

Simulating Lung Cancer Incidence data in R

Simulating a lung cancer incidence data set in R.